The FIA is committed to supporting its Members in building and consolidating their capacity and expertise in sustainable development. We are attentive to the needs of our Members and continually strive to improve the support we offer.
In the following section, we outline results achieved in our flagship programmes and actions developed for Members.
In 2022, the FIA has conducted a survey amongst its Sport Clubs in order to identify the current status and improve the support provided. The survey has shown important discrepancies between regions but most importantly the need to provide dedicated tools and training in order to build internal capacity towards climate action.

The following elements have been raised as crucial support mechanisms:
- Sharing information about best practice, sustainability initiatives from other Clubs and organisations
- Support on environmental accreditation, including providing guidance and grants
- Education and training, including guidance on implementation of sustainability initiatives, applicable locally; guidance for officials and competitors
- Grants, including funding for training, infrastructure, testing of air quality, carbon emissions, reduction
- FIA research studies on environmental sustainability
Following this, the FIA has reorganised its support programmes in order to adapt to the different level of maturity of its Clubs (1).
(1) Details on the FIA Sustainable Events Guide and Carbon Calculation tool can be found in the FIA Environmental Report June 2022. They have not been reiterated here as no significant changes have been implemented.